The Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone, once gathered the "shop in front, factory in the back" warehousing and logistics park, has now transformed into an internationally renowned science and technology innovation park with a focus on technological advancements. It has become the preferred destination for countless innovators and entrepreneurs, where they pursue their ideals and turn dreams into reality.
封面人物摄影:李丹璐 ,封面设计:阎思远
充满未来感的岗厦北地铁站,阳光从天花板的天窗投射下来,被称为“深圳之眼”。(李丹璐 摄)
外籍嘉宾Joe(右)和主持人陈楚琪Christy从岗厦北出发前往河套合作区。(张玲 摄)
乘坐深圳地铁3号线可以抵达福保站,直达河套合作区。(李丹璐 摄)
Currently, more than 150 high-end scientific research and industrial projects have been established in the cooperation zone, attracting numerous academicians, experts, and high-end researchers from both home and abroad.
陈楚琪用望远镜看一河两岸美景。(李丹璐 摄)
从这里可以远眺深圳湾大桥。(张玲 摄)
At the Hetao Cooperation Zone Showcase and Exchange Center, Christy and Joe enjoyed the entire Hetao Cooperation Zone, where they saw numerous scientific research buildings and the unique panoramic view of "One River, Two Banks" of Shenzhen and Hongkong. Through the telescope, they even catched a glimpse of Zhuhai and Macao!
这就是传说中的自动驾驶汽车元戎启行!(张玲 摄)
来到河套合作区,有机会体验一回自动驾驶汽车。(李丹璐 摄)
元戎启行公关经理陈颖介绍最新款自动驾驶车辆的神奇之处:车顶装有激光雷达,车身摄像头多达7个。(李丹璐 摄)
即将体验自动驾驶车辆。(李丹璐 摄)
体验元戎启行自动驾驶车辆。(李丹璐 摄)
By taking the DeepRoute.ai autonomouscar, Christy and Joe got to the CUHK Hong Kong - Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Research Institute (Futian) , which was completed and put into use in 2020. It is a world-class research institution focusing on robotics, artificial intelligence, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices.
香港中文大学深港创新研究院(福田)助理院长钟仿洵为两位客人详细介绍。(李丹璐 摄)
柔性内窥镜自主智能导航产品。(李丹璐 摄)
参观结束后,钟仿徇与JOE和陈楚琪在研究院门口合影。(李丹璐 摄)
香港中文大学深港创新科学研究院2020年在深圳福田河套合作区落成并投入使用。(张玲 摄)
位于河套合作区的香港中文大学深港创新科学研究院,其专利墙贴满了专利证书。(张玲 摄)
香港中文大学深港创新科学研究院实验室一角。(张玲 摄)
主持人Christy陈楚琪、嘉宾Joe和香港中文大学深港创新研究院(福田)助理院长钟仿洵(右一)。(张玲 摄)
Christy and Joe got to the Huang Danian Tea House at the last stop. It is named after the scientist Huang Danian. It serves as a communication platform for scientists and entrepreneurs within the Hetao Park. Whether people feel tired from studying or working, they can come here, have a cup of coffee, and relax.
黄大年茶思屋。(李丹璐 摄)
工作人员为Joe端上咖啡。(李丹璐 摄)
外籍嘉宾Joe和主持人Christy品尝咖啡、畅谈趣事。(张玲 摄)
These places are just a few corners of the Hetao Cooperation Zone. This place is a "giant experimental field" for future technology, a "high-concentration" technology park for researchers, and an international innovation hub. In the future, it will fully leverage its platform advantages to support international exchanges and collaborations, foster connections with global innovation elements, and work with Hong Kong to build an open and innovative technological highland.
(原标题《外眼看深 | 一河两岸,未来科技的巨大实验场》)
编辑 王子烨 审读 吴剑林 二审 钟诗婷 三审 王越胜