深圳报业集团的文博“国际范”先睹为快 Sneak preview of SNG at ICIF
2023-06-07 15:09

Come and join the global promotion of Shenzhen’s city image!

一起打卡“深圳城市形象全球营销活力场” !

See you at A02 in Hall 9!


Key words : International, sociable, fun


As Shenzhen is becoming a home for people with different backgrounds, Shenzhen News Group (SNG) will inject creative ideas into its mission to connect the city to the world. Let’s start an immersive journey to the world from Shenzhen!

在深圳,连全球,我们将通过跨越语言界限的视听体验为“联接中外 沟通世界”注入新鲜创意。从深圳出发来一场沉浸式的“世界之旅”吧!

SNG invites you to the 19th ICIF to join the global promotion of Shenzhen’s city image.


Shenzhen’s stories have surprised the world. Every Shenzhener is the writer or the teller of their stories. Shenzhen is a demonstration city nationwide for its successful opening up. At this year’s ICIF, we want to tell the stories of this young, excellent and vibrant city to the world.


In May 2016, Shenzhen’s first official English portal EyeShenzhen(www.eyeshenzhen.com) was launched. In the past seven years, we have recorded many wonderful local stories. Today, the brand new EyeShenzhen is upgraded to a multilingual website with eight additional languages. The website is an important window for the city to showcase itself to the world.


With the international communication IP of the newly upgraded EyeShenzhen, the SNG exhibition area will present visitors with a diverse and open Shenzhen.

围绕全新升级的EyeShenzhen城市国际传播IP, “深圳城市形象全球营销活力场”以不同的创意展陈为观众呈现一个创新多元、开放包容的国际都市——深圳

A computer-generated image of the loving “wall.”

The love letter from an expat.

A “wall” where your love for the city can be seen


The loving “wall” is actually a large screen based on the newly upgraded multilingual website EyeShenzhen. The “wall” will “read aloud” love letters from expats that express their affection for the city. Visitors also can have their thoughts presented by scanning the QR code and submitting their “Shenzhen Notes.”

“表白墙”以即将全新呈现的EyeShenzhen多语种网站为原型, 展示网站主页的同时,我们邀请在深外籍人士,用信件的形式将一封封城市情书“表白投屏”。来打卡我们展位的朋友也可以“秀”出你们对深圳爱!只用现场扫二维码,即可立马把你对深圳的爱和印象的“深圳印象笔记”发送给我们,你的“爱”深圳将被看见!

'EYE'-shaped chairs


The chairs are designed in the shapes of the English letters “E,” “Y” and “E.” You can lie down on the big and comfortable chairs and relax, or record your day with your camera from a horizontal angle there. And please don’t forget to share your moments on social media and tag us!



“EYE SZ”打卡装置:一起看深圳,爱深圳

An installation in the shape of an eye and the letters “S” and “Z,” which is the combination of Shenzhen Daily and its multilingual web portal EYESHENZHEN, is on display at our booth.

“EYE SZ”打卡装置结合多语种网站的主视觉,为现场观众提供了一处独特的城市打卡最佳场景。

A computer-generated image of “EYE SZ.”

Creative door


Our “Creative Door” is inspired by the pink “Anywhere Door” in the Japanese manga “Doraemon.” In this manga, the door that allows a person to travel in accordance with the thoughts of the person is no longer just a two-dimensional gadget. At the SNG exhibition area, you can see a tangible door, which can take you to different countries to enjoy an exotic ambience whenever you open it.

创意门的灵感源于《多啦A梦》中的那扇粉色“任意门”。在漫画里,这道门让打开它的人秒达心之向往之处。现在这扇神奇的门从平面漫画纸张中“站起来了,” 立在了本届文博会报业集团的展位。无论什么时候打开这道门,你都可以一瞬间被带往不同的国度,感受不一样的风情。

Time: June 7-11


Venue: Hall 9, Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center (Bao’an)


Metro:Lines 20 or 12 to Shenzhen World Station, Exit C1/C2


Booking: Follow “文博会” to purchase tickets


(原标题《深圳报业集团的文博“国际范”先睹为快 Sneak preview of SNG at ICIF》)

编辑 黄力雯 审读 吴剑林 二审 高原 三审 王越胜

